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Codan 9350 Antenna Manual

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However, the accuracy and power found at close range starts to diminish as the target gets farther away. To change it, please.A shotgun, also called a 'scattergun,' is a firearm designed to shoot a multitude of lead or steel balls of varying sizes, greatly increasing the weapon's hit potential. Shotguns designed for the military's use are often called '.' Lever action rifle fallout new vegas. This makes it very effective at hunting game. This section is from.

Codan hf radio
Codan 9350 Antenna Manual
Hi All,
Well I usually pretty good at nutting out issues that arise from time to time with mobile gear, but this issue I have, I am absolutely stumped and I am now fearing the worst so I might need some direction from you that may have far more technical skills that I. Ok I have a basically brand new Codan 9350 (Well it was installed on a vehicle I recently bought which was installed 5 yrs ago and never used maybe thats the issue? Previous owner having the 9350 as a pose pole?) and I have it married up to a IC7000. I had the same setup on my previous vehicle and it was faultless for years. The only thing that has changed is I sold the previous 9350 and kept the supposed to be brand new one on the new vehicle which now thinking I should of kept the whole system.
Anyway after myself installing the IC7000 into the new vehicle, I am having VSWR issues on 80m. 20 and 40 is fine, however when I turn the radio on tune up, then transmit on 80, I have no issues transmitting full power with the VSWR at normal levels. When I change freq to either 40 or 20m and transmit, all ok, then I go back to 80 and I have a high VSWR with the IC7000 reducing power as it would.
When on 80, the high level of VSWR is intermittent, one minute its high, the next ok. I just got me stumped. Now before you all ask me have I done this have I done that, this is what I have done:
Checked earth strap. Relocated and fixed it to chassis of car and body of car.
Tuning cable I have moved away from feedline. Tuning cable has a interface device to suit IC7000
Feedline replaced from rg58 to rg213
Power supply checked (visually only) power supply is through TGE Super Boost because of the sensitivity of the IC7000 voltage drop.
Antenna visually appears to be ok, changed antenna to another and same result.
By no means I am any sort of a electrical technician so if there is something I have missed here or any information to steer me in the right direction to sort this issue out, I'm all eyes (and ears). My fears are I am going to have to uninstall the antenna and send it off for service. I wont be happy if thats the case, I am off on a trip in the great sandy desert in 4 weeks.
Any info to assist would be greatly appreciated.
73 all

Codan Radio

Codan 9350 and ICOM IC7000. Discussion in 'Mobile Radio Systems' started by VK6PTT, May 20, 2015. VK6PTT Ham Member QRZ Page. Antenna visually appears to be ok. HF ANTENNA INSTALLATION GUIDE. By Peter Harland VK4FIXA / VKS737 Mobile 3294. For popular multitap antennas including the Bushcomm Outbacker range of antennas as well as autotuners like the Barrett 910 / 2019 and Codan's 9350 and 3040. These guidelines refer equally to a.

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